Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How does your service work?

Our IDeSecure service uses IDeSecure's proprietary ID Early Warning System to monitor billions of public data sources to monitor your good name. Not only do we offer peace-of-mind, but IDeSecure also provides you with $25000 of identity theft fraud insurance to cover common losses from identity theft expenses! Our identity experts are always available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help you See more information on insurance coverage here or view more information about the ID Early Warning System

What information does your service need from me?

The best part about our service is that you only need to provide your name, address, and phone number. The IDeSecure ID Early Warning System can proactively monitor your identity profile without using your date of birth, or social security number.

How will I know if my service is working?

Remember, we are monitoring your identity profile 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If we see a change in your profile's information or suspicious activity that may be a sign of an identity theft or identity theft in process we will quickly call and verify this change or email you an alert.

Is your primary service credit monitoring?

No. Credit Monitoring looks at credit. The IDeSecure ID Early Warning System watches financial and non-financial data sources looking for early signs of identity theft from billions of records inside your identity profile.

Is there a guarantee that my identity will not be stolen?

No. However, our system was designed to help catch identity theft before it starts. If you do become a victim of identity theft, IDeSecure service includes a $25000 insurance policy from AIG to give you peace of mind that IDeSecure will always be there to help protect you. Insurance and Recovery

Who do I call if I have an identity theft problem?

Our specially trained identity theft recovery specialists are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist you. Please do not hesitate to call our recovery center at 1-888-625-0014 if an identity issue arises. Remember time is of the essence to protect your identity.

Are there additional fees if I use the recovery service?

No, there are no additional fees for using our specialized recovery service to help manage an identity theft incident.

What is the Lost Wallet Service?

The IDeSecure Lost Wallet Service is a unique, one-of-a-kind service that allows you to store certain information about the contents of your purse or wallet securely online, without having to store full financial or personal information.

How do I use the Lost Wallet Service if I lose my purse or wallet?

The IDeSecure Lost Wallet Service will become a critical piece of your identity theft protection service in the event your wallet or purse is lost or stolen. Instead of spending the time and effort to find the information to cancel your sensitive personal and credit cards, the IDeSecure Lost Wallet Service will quickly guide you through mitigating a loss of your purse or wallet. Simply click "Lost Wallet Service" from your IDeSecure Command Center.

What is the IDeSecure Junk Mail Service?

Through an exclusive partnership with The Green Mailbox, IDeSecure uses an automated system to eliminate the widespread use of your personal data. By getting your name off the junk mail lists and info databases, you will get less junk mail and help keep your personal information safe.

How do I use the IDeSecure Junk Mail Service?

The Junk Mail service is located in your IDeSecure Command Center under Identity Theft Protection and Monitoring. From this interface, you can add the details of cards and other information in your wallet.

How do I access my billing information?

Click on "Account Info" within your command center to access your billing, password, and payment information.

How can I pay for my account?

You can pay for your account using all major credit cards or from your checking account via ACH.

How do I cancel or downgrade my account?

Please contact our billing team at 1-888-625-0014 to cancel or downgrade your account.